It began on August 4, 1990, and in 10 short hours, this fire grew to 3,500 acres. It jumped three major roads and the Deschutes River in that time. 3,000 people were evacuated even though many knew their home might not be there when they returned. Many homeowners tried to stay until the last moment to defend their homes as they watched the flame front get closer to their backyards. Once officials evacuated the majority of the residents, the concern grew that the fire would reach people who were waiting to escape in their cars. Awbrey Hall caused $9 million in total damages, including suppression costs and insurance claims. All 22 of the homes lost were in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). A wildland fire was the last thing residents considered when moving into the forests of beautiful Central Oregon and most had not planned for it. After assessing the damage of Awbrey Hall, officials found that the majority of the homes that had fallen victim were lacking in their defensible space.